Remote working made easy via the Cloud.
TPI Cloud-Bridge App. Works in conjunction with our powerful C-Trend II PC Software, to easily allow multiple routes to be sent to multiple, remote users, anywhere in the world and receive the readings back for detailed analysis.
Compatible with the 9080, 9080EX, 9084, 9085 & 9085EX Vibration Analyzers.

Imagine a scenario where a condition based maintenance (CBM) team is responsible for a number of remote sites. This could be where a central ‘control’ site has a number of remote ‘satellite’ locations that have equipment that needs to be monitored. The measurements could be done by personnel based at the remote site, or the sites could be visited from time to time by CBM engineers. Another similar scenario is where a service company has multiple customers that are visited by a ‘fleet’ of CBM engineers.
Test Products International has now made this process very easy with the release of the TPI Cloud-Bridge App. This FREE, subscription FREE, mobile App works in conjunction with the subscription FREE, C-Trend II PC Software* to easily allow multiple routes to be sent to multiple, remote users, anywhere in the world and receive the readings back for detailed analysis.
The versatility of the TPI Cloud-Bridge App also allows it to be used with virtually ANY version of CMMS software.
*Please note that while C-Trend II is subscription free, it is only included free with our 9085 and 9085-Ex models. For our 9080 , 9084 and 9080-Ex customers a C-Trend II license will be necessary to connect to Bridge.
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