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Measure -4 to +572°F (20 to 300°C), non-contact (IR) thermometer without laser.

380 Non-Contact IR Thermometer w/o Laser

Measure Hard-to-reach, sensitive, or large moving target areas. Use the 380 to measure surface temperature and watch the LCD immediately display accurate data without the use of a probe.

  • Repeatable measurements, 0.1° resolution readings
  • Temperature compensated for accurate readings
  • Hold function
  • Easy-to-use one button operation
  • °C and °F selectable
  • Distance to spot ratio 8:1
  • Easy to read LCD with backlight
  • Auto off

USA Suggested List Price
Digi-Key Electronics
Where to Buy TPI Products

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What does “distance to spot ratio” mean?
    The laser spot needs to be showing inside the target area. An 8:1 “distance to spot ratio” means you are measuring a 1” diameter area at a distance of 8”.
  2. How far can I measure?
    Distance is unlimited. The size of the target area sets the limit on distance for accurate measurements. Example: If the area you wish to measure is 1 foot in diameter, then you will need to be within 8 feet to record an accurate temperature.
  3. What is the smallest target I can read?
    Approximately one-half inch in diameter.
  4. What is emmisivity?
    This is a ratio of an object’s infrared emission compared to a theoretical black body considered 1. Emissivity is always less than 1. Adjustable emissivity allows your non-contact thermometer to be adjusted to the surface you are checking to make readings more accurate.


 Model 380 Specifications
 Non-Contact (IR) Range  -4°F to 572°F
 -20°C to 300°C
 Accuracy  +/-2% of reading or +/-3.5°F whichever is greater
 Distance to Target Ratio  9.5:1
 Response Time  500mS
 Spectral Response  7 to 14um
 Emissivity  0.95 Fixed
 Laser Sight  No
 Min/Max Record  No
 Display Resolution  0.1° / 1° (Automatic)
 Backlight Display  Yes
 Operating Temperature  32°F to 120°F (0°C to 50°C)
 Battery Type  9V

TPI 380 Series Demonstration Video

380 Applications

  • Remote vent and return temperature measurement
  • Tubing, piping and sheet metal temperature
  • Leaks around cooler or freezer doors

Distance to Spot Ratios (D:S) for TPI IR (Non-contact) Thermometers:

Models 375 / 376 / 377 (11.5:1):








Models 380 / 381 / 383 / 384 (9:1):


Product Documentationpdf-icon1

Click below to view or download product documentation PDFs:

380-384 Manual

380 Series Product Sheet

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